It was another special time in Melbourne, staying with Wendy and Peter Golden. We started each day eating grapefruits picked right off the tree. We visited Wendy's studio at the Abbotsford Convent, where we were serenaded by a flock of bell birds. And I taught a class of wonderful students for the Basketmakers of Victoria. It was great to catch up with my Melbourne friends.

Then it was off to Brisbane, sharing the home of Janet De Boer and her wonderful husband Peter. Exploring the city and the Queensland countryside, some of it with Jude Skeers, was a special treat.

I always expect that teaching at a TAFTA Fibre Forum will be a great experience - great fun and great learning. BrizVegas certainly lived up to its expectation. It was a very good week!

As always, at a Forum, costumes are encouraged and just add to the enjoyment.

Once again, Di WIlliams joined me as my traveling companion. We flew up to Cairns and started our 1800 kilometer journey. We visited every botanic garden from Daintree to Brisbane, and went snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. The fish were beautiful. The coral was truly amazing and special. We visited Cape Tribulation, Magnetic Island, and innumerable beautiful beaches. It was a special time with a special friend.

And then I went to Bali. I joined Janet and Peter and a very special group of textile artists. We stayed in Ubud, high in the hills, near Monkey Forest. Bali may be the home of the most gentle souls on earth. We saw parades and festivals and daily offerings. We had fresh pineapple crepes for breakfast. We saw ducks at work in the rice paddies, cleaning the insects after the rice was harvested. We visited craftspeople all over the island, and we learned about 'Threads of Life,' a fair trade partnership that promotes traditional textiles.
Bali is a very special place, filled with very special people.

Everyone should visit Cairns, Australia some time. It's just such a great place to have a vacation. You can check out Cairns Hotels for accommodations.